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Jennifer Shearin

News on Sirgo - Wellness Coaching for Health and Life, Integrated Group Jennifer Shearin



Life coaches are becoming very popular nowadays. What parents and teachers used to do exclusively has become the concern and livelihood of people who have the expertise and passion to provide general mentoring in life and all its many aspects, such as health, business, arts and marital counselling. Being a life coach essentially means you teach a person gain skills within a particular field or industry while visualizing how those skills will enhance one’s ability to cope and to compete in life.


Success is the aim of almost every person and enterprise. And without the need to reinvent the wheel, life coaches have collated much of the ancient and modern knowledge in specific fields for those seeking guided education for personal advancement.


Whereas only wealthy individuals and celebrities could afford voice or gym coaches in the past, now, almost anyone can find an online coach or even a personal coach for a reasonable and even at no price at all. Reading through Jennifer Shearin’s website is in itself a practically free but priceless tool for anyone who seriously takes her advices to heart.


Achieving balance in one’s life through having a health coach is the latest innovation in health management. More specifically, having an integrative health coach to provide an individualized health plan provides one with a focused strategy designed to address personal health issues through experienced health experts.


The main objective of having an integrative health coach is in obtaining a program that will help “sustain the mindset needed to make lifestyle and behavior changes for the long haul”. Developing and maintaining the discipline of a healthy and balanced life requires the help of a whole family or group of people, not just an individual. As they say, it takes a whole village to raise a child. It certainly requires a whole town to keep each individual become a healthy member of the community. Trying to go organic in a town that does not produce any such products would be tough. Let alone live in a town that does not care about proper sanitation and waste disposal.


Finding a health coach then must take into consideration not merely the qualifications of the coach itself but also with the specific health goals that a person has. Having a qualified health coach, nevertheless, is the first step toward attaining a sustainable personal health program.


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Jennifer Shearin Group Wellness Coaching - Road to Wellness Less Travelled

Jennifer Shearin Group Wellness Coaching: Road to Wellness Less Travelled on Quora

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With the upsurge of the wellness industry in the past thirty years, more and more people are living well-balanced and active lives. And as the essential medical knowledge and practices improve even more, we can look forward to more people living up to a hundred years or more, something which was apparently a common thing in ancient times. In certain parts of the world, such as Thailand, Spain, Japan, France and the US, where we can find the most number of centenarians, dietary and lifestyle habits are commonly investigated and emulated as effective means of achieving not just long-life but for maintaining a sense of well-being.


If it was such a common thing for people to live up to a hundred or even much longer in ancient times, how come modern people no longer approach that level of physiological durability? We are more of an exception now rather than the rule in biological longevity. Sea turtles, swans and carps and some other animals have longer average life spans than us humans. And they do not even read bibles and blogs!


[Make powerful choices to create your maximum level of health with my facilitation skills and the wisdom and support of a group. See Jennifer Shearin Group Wellness Coaching: Road to Wellness Less Travelled video update. ]


But we should not despair as life is, as often said, not measured in the length of one’s life but in the quality of life that one has. What human can survive living in water as tortoises and carps do? Yet the quality of life, not just the length of it, can now be attained through observing certain basic health tips and lifestyle changes any person can do without having to spend so much. And one need not reside in Okinawa or in Nepal to achieve this.


Jennifer Shearin provides a valuable list of how one can attain wellness, and, it follows, a long and happy life. She does not tell her readers to do all, of course. One only has to choose those that fit one’s budget and other conveniences in life.


Take, for instance, tip # 45 on taking up yoga. Yoga, admittedly, has so many health benefits. But such benefits can only be attained through some rigorous body exercises unique to yoga. Here is where many people feel challenged, especially the aged and the physically disabled? What then? As suggested, one must look for other alternatives while trying to achieve the same health benefits.


Certain ancient Chinese breathing exercises are known to provide rejuvenation of internal organs through slow, meditative deep-breathing routines. Almost any person of any age and even with disabilities can practice them. Perhaps, certain body movements, just as certain expensive foods are inaccessible to most people, are not meant for everyone. But there are certainly other ways to get the health benefits through some other means.


And with 74 ways to choose from, Jennifer Shearin has certainly covered most bases when it comes to having a healthy, happy and long life. For that, we can only thank her.